Yota YotaPhone 2
(69.40x144.90x8.95 mm)
operating system: Android weight (g): 145 g
screen diagonal (inch): 5.00 camera resolution (megapixels): 8.00 front camera resolution (megapixels): 2 maximum width of the video (px): 1920 maximum height of the video (px): 1080 CPU speed (MHz): 2200 number of processor cores: 4
communication standards: GSM 900, GSM 1800, GSM 1900, 3G, 4G LTE sensors: Array, Array, Array, Array type of SIM card: Array interfaces: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB, NFC phone control: Array, Array, Array, Array, Array
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Yota YotaPhone
(67.00x133.60x9.99 mm)
operating system: Android weight (g): 146 g
screen diagonal (inch): 4.30 camera resolution (megapixels): 13.00 front camera resolution (megapixels): 1 maximum width of the video (px): 1920 maximum height of the video (px): 1080 CPU speed (MHz): 1700 number of processor cores: 2
communication standards: GSM 900, GSM 1800, GSM 1900, 3G, 4G LTE sensors: Array, Array, Array, Array type of SIM card: Array interfaces: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth phone control: Array, Array, Array, Array, Array
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